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About GovLab

GovLab strives to create extraordinary connections between future trends and the federal government. As Deloitte Consulting LLP’s flagship federal think tank and innovation center, GovLab develops a unique understanding of an increasingly complex and dynamic world. GovLab fellows hope to improve and redefine federal government services, products, and processes through rigorous research that produces groundbreaking insights.

Collaborating with government and industry leaders to explore emerging political, business, and technology trends, GovLab fellow translate research into short, sharp, accessible studies, blogs, videos, and infographics. These pioneering perspectives have the potential move government closer to its desired outcomes. Recent endorsements of GovLab research include:

  • Features in Harvard Business Review, Forbes Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center, the New America Foundation, Governing, and NextGov;
  • Presentations at several national and international conferences, including Social Capital Markets, Inside Augmented Reality, Drone & Ariel Robotics, Future of Money and Technology, and Next Generation Government;
  • Invites to present half a dozen research topics at the South by Southwest Interactive conference