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Current Projects

Government as Venture Capitalist

The rate of technology adoption in government - and an absence of value-adding partners - results in higher costs and diminished outcomes

Start-ups have flourished in recent years, creating an ecosystem of value-adding ideas that require funding, knowledge and support in order to succeed. In contrast to start-ups, government agencies are often large and established, and they face diverse and critical missions - from delivering the mail to keeping our borders secure. Often, however, the rate of technology adoption in government - and an absence of value-adding partners - results in higher costs and diminished outcomes. This presentation will explore how a venture capital (VC) model in government is already helping start-ups to succeed while ensuring government achieves superior returns. Building on research done by Deloitte’s GovLab program, our presentation will focus on how a Gov-as-VC model will impact the current network of VC firms, start-ups and others players. We will also highlight opportunities to further spread the model throughout government while detailing its potential benefits.

Chris Biggs @cabiggs17or

Aleks Ontman @AleksOntman or


Yesterday’s patient is tomorrow’s health consumer

Providers are in the throes of adapting to a number of technological disruptions.  In the midst of all this change, there is another disruption they need to consider: the disruption of “patients” – increasingly, yesterday’s patient is tomorrow’s health consumer, and across industries consumer expectations are changing.  Organizing around these new expectations means a different way of business for providers – and a different experience for consumers.  Government health providers can and should be leaders in designing around tomorrow’s health consumer.

Anna Draganova @A_Draganova or

Liz McCue @eamccue or

Government and the Internet of Things

Connecting people directly to digital networks offers new value by enriching and even changing human interaction and experience

Current hype around the “Internet of Things” has focused largely on how connecting devices can create efficiency – refrigerators making grocery lists, cars scheduling their own maintenance, or traffic lights based on real-time congestion. But connecting people directly to digital networks offers new value by enriching and even changing human interaction and experience.  Devices such as neurosensors or biotrackers may offer insight into the context for human creativity and cognition, and could potentially alter social experience and traditional institutions. Organizations – including government – should consider how to design work to capitalize on this value, while at the same time navigating new ways of thinking about a security and transparency. Specifically, government should consider its role as a platform for connected citizens, promoter for data/device standards, and adopter of enterprise devices. Learn more here.

Max Meyers @themaxmeyers or

Claire Niech @ClaireNiech or

Regulating Tomorrow

It’s tough to be a regulator these days

It’s tough to be a regulator these days. Markets are fragmenting, new products and technologies are launching daily, and the Sharing Economy has changed the way consumers interact with suppliers. What does this mean for future regulators? What would an effective, impactful regulatory agency of tomorrow look like? Our GovLab research explores the trends facing regulators and tools, techniques, and approaches that will prepare them for tomorrow’s challenges.

Rachel Brody @brodes_r or

Nick Olson or @nickolson