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GovLab Fellows

GovLab fellows collaborate with government and industry leaders to explore emerging political, business, and technology trends which are translated into short, sharp, accessible studies, blogs, videos, and infographics. These pioneering perspectives have the potential move government closer to its desired outcomes.

GovLab fellows seek to understand how disruptive trends impact the entirety of the federal government during a full-time, nine month fellowship, followed by a three month client innovation project. Fellows partake in collective and individual development opportunities to become adaptive professionals who inspire teams and drive lasting change. In addition, fellows gain expertise in line with their research topics and career aspirations.

Through research, fellows gain an understanding of federal government problems and fundamentally rethink their inputs and outcomes. Then GovLab fellows tailor research into actionable solutions to improve the way client service is delivered to the federal government. Insights and skills gained during the GovLab fellowship are shared with federal agencies and Deloitte practitioners.

Click on the pictures below to meet the GovLab Fellows