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GovCloud: The Future of Government Work


Today’s governments are being asked to solve the problems of the 21st century with a workforce and managerial structure designed for a different era. They continue to address major challenges by creating new, permanent departments and agencies—an unsustainable model in a world of rapidly changing demands fueled by equally rapidly evolving technology. That world is epitomized by cloud computing. Cloud computing is revolutionizing the way organizations operate, allowing users to access data on demand for minimal cost and without limits. What if governments could do the same with their workforce? Enter GovCloud. GovCloud applies the concepts of cloud computing to how governments organize their workforce, mirroring the very traits that make cloud computing so compelling, including the sharing of resources, cost effectiveness, and dynamic scalability.

With GovCloud, a cadre of government-wide workers could help small, mission-focused agencies adapt to evolving circumstances. It would leverage recent changes in work, workers, workplaces, processes, and technologies and capitalize on evolving workforce trends and expectations. It would be a collaborative, teaming environment that supports shared services, workplace flexibility, and scalable, on-demand capabilities to help government solve its biggest cross-cutting problems.


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