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Data as the New Currency: Government’s Role in Facilitating the Exchange


Governments are one of the biggest producers of data—and one of the few that deliver data to the public free of charge. They already regulate how organizations may use personal data and myriad other issues related to data. The question, then, isn’t really whether governments should get involved in the new data marketplace, but rather how they should take part. In the article, Data as the New Currency: Government’s Role in Facilitating the Exchange, authors William D. Eggers, who leads Global Public Sector Research for Deloitte Services LP; Rob Hamill, Deloitte Consulting LLP; and Abed Ali, also of Deloitte Consulting LLP, discuss the opportunities presented by the new marketplace and the three principal roles governments will play in the emerging data economy: producer, consumer and facilitator.


The article examines how governments can:

  • Use public data to help foster new commercial opportunities
  • Use commercial data to perform its own work more efficiently and effectively
  • Combine public and commercial data to serve the public in ways still to be conceived


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